Episode 155:Cash Nickerson on negotiation as a martial art
Cash Nickerson’s latest book, Negotiation as a Martial Art, describing the power of asking “why” and listening with curiosity and patience to what you hear – including giving the other person plenty of time to respond. He’s not so sure about how to separate the people from the problem, as suggested in Getting to Yes: sometimes the people are the problem. And yes, you can negotiate with bullies – it just takes some extra thought.
You can reach him and learn more about his books at https://cashnickerson.com/. You can reach him at cash@cashnickerson.com
Do you have comments or suggestions about a topic or guest? An idea or question about conflict management or conflict resolution? Let me know at jb@dovetailresolutions.com! And you can learn more about me and my work as a mediator and a Certified CINERGY® Conflict Coach at www.dovetailresolutions.com and https://www.linkedin.com/in/janebeddall/.
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