Crafting Solutions to Conflict -- a practical and positive perspective!

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Episode 180: A conflict spin on Seth Godin’s interested vs. interesting

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In a recent blog post, Seth Godin riffed on Interested vs. Interesting.  In short, we are all interesting in our own way. That doesn’t necessarily mean that other people are interested in what we have to offer. Granted. Then I viewed the post through the lens of handling conflict better.

 One suggestion that comes up in preventing and resolving negative conflicts is to adopt curiosity.  In other words, be genuinely interested in other people’s perspectives. Especially if their perspective is different from ours. It is a challenge.  No doubt. But we can learn and when we learn, we can more easily find common ground. Now, “interesting”?  When in doubt, talk less and listen more. It’s funny how people may find someone interesting and a great conversationalist if they don’t dominate the conversation.

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