Crafting Solutions to Conflict -- a practical and positive perspective!

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Episode 156: Solstice-inspired thoughts on perspective

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Some thoughts on the time of the solstice. The time of the solstice is one of extremes: days that are very short or very long. Extremes invite negative conflict. Yet we can try not to view our starting points as positioned as far apart as possible. When I was a young child, I believed that my December 21st birthday was a shorter day than everyone else’s: an early example of the challenge of unequal seeming unfair! Worse still, I didn’t understand the reason for the inequality. Finally, my birthday coincided with the shortest day because I lived in the Northern Hemisphere. That was my starting point. We all start from somewhere and that spot is a little or a lot different from those of other people. That difference provides an opportunity to find disagreement or to embrace the chance to learn, collaborate, and grow!

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