Crafting Solutions to Conflict -- a practical and positive perspective!

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Episode 139: Nance Schick on lessons from ethno-religious mediation

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Nance described her journey to her work as a conflict resolution specialist, including experience in human resources, professionally and personally, law school, and a corporate setting with a strong alternative dispute resolution process.

She eventually learned about the International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation.  Through ICER, Nance completed an eight-week training course and certification.  As important as that work is in its direct application to ethno-religious conflicts, Nance shared specific takeaways that can be used in many types of conflicts.  First, as a mediator, you are not there to judge, even in extraordinary circumstances. Second, focus on the goal of giving those involved as many tools as possible to move forward with their lives and end the conflict. Third, practice patience.

You can learn more about the ICER here:  You can learn more about Nance’s work at Third Ear Conflict Resolution here: and on Linked In, YouTube, and Facebook. Information on her book, DIY Conflict Resolution, is available here:

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